1st Astrophotography Competition of Crete

poster Announcement Date : 

The Friends of Astronomy Club of Crete (SFAK), the Municipality of Anogia, the Institute of Astrophysics of the Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas (IA-FORTH) and Skinakas Observatory, the joint research infrastructure of the University of Crete and FORTH, co-organized the 1st Astrophotography Competition of Crete for the year 2024.

The competition had 3 categories:

and all entries were exhibited at the "The Shepherd's Place" in Anogia from 1 to 10 August 2024.

The first two winners will make observations with the telescopes of Skinakas Observatory and the winner of the astrophotography with landscapes of Crete will receive a gift voucher of 300 Euros for purchases from the Thessaloniki Planetarium, which we thank for supporting the competition.